Integral Soul Reading

Integral Soul Reading


If you are drawn to an Integral Soul session, you may be feeling that there is something blocking you from living your truth within the fullness of your being.

Your Divine Soul Essence may have gone into hiding from many lifetimes of being thwarted from fulfilling a purpose of shining light and love into this world. We are here in this timeline to live our joy, to unite with one another and to embody the higher frequencies that are flowing through the Universe. By doing so, we radiate joy into the world and help to raise the frequency of humanity into higher octaves of love. Often, we are afraid of shining our light and joy into the world because of negative experiences in the past, or a generalized feeling of fear of being seen.

In the Integral Soul session, we begin by tuning into a particular feeling you might associate with feeling blocked. We look at where this shows up in the physical and open to discover where this frequency is being expressed through your ancestral lineage due to trauma which was passed on to you through your DNA. We look at the stories and patterns. Calling upon your Divine helpers – spirit guides, angels, master teachers, dragons, whoever you call upon for assistance, and we gather the highest frequency of love, compassion and forgiveness and send that energy through to our ancestors so that they may release themselves from the trauma they hold and rejoin their Divine Soul Essence. When this clearing feels complete, I offer light frequencies through my voice, singing in the language of light to help the energy flow with the frequencies of love.

Next, we look at your Soul’s Akashic record of experiences in lifetimes expressed on Earth to see where the original frequency we are investigating is being held in your field. There may be a story from another lifetime that is also similar to what was being held on the ancestral level. Thought form attachments, implants, hooks, cords, resolved karmic attachments that we’re still holding onto at a soul level from this current lifetime or other lifetimes, can begin to be healed through this exploration.

Lastly, we access your Soul’s room in the Halls of Amenti to discover more about your Soul’s journey, gifts and wisdom, which is in the vastness of your Soul’s experience, beyond life on planet Earth. The Halls of Amenti are a portalway and part of the information that is available to us is our Soul records from the vastness of our being directly back to Source.

Through this entire process, you are given tools to clear programmed beliefs, negative patterns and thought forms that have taken root in your energy field through Soul memories (Akashic record), DNA (Ancestral lineages) and experiences of trauma in your present life experience.

My seer and empathic abilities help me to assist you in remembering who you are, and this awareness helps you to release all that you are ready to let go of. This brings clarity to your heart, mind and body, so you can integrate and embody your Divine Soul Essence. I don’t do anything for you, I just assist you in uncovering what you need to release and offer guidance and tools to help you move forward on your path.

I employ the powerful frequencies of sound and light during my sessions, through toning and visioning whatever colors (light) are present. I invite you to tone with me - only if you are comfortable doing so. The vibration of sound is very powerful for moving energy. I listen to your insights, feelings and inner visions, always trusting that you know what is best for you. I may suggest you fill your field with certain colors that are revealing themselves to me as I see shapes and colors with my inner eye.

After the session, I draw a mandala using chalk pastels on black paper, which I intuit from what I see in your session. Examples of mandalas are below. The image will be emailed to you for you to use as a gazing meditation tool, along with guidance on how to visualize it and work with it in your energy field to further support the clearing of the old and filling with the new frequencies. The original piece will be mailed to you within a few weeks of the reading. I find the original drawings radiate the beautiful energy of your Soul Essence and it is lovely to have it where you will see it and feel it every day.

One hour Integral Soul Reading is $185 US

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The reading is recorded and an mp3 file will be sent to you.

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